Jotenkin sattui että pikkuneiti sai syntymäpäivälahjaksi aika paljon punaista! Onneksi meillä löytyy vähän muitakin värejä (totta!), joten kämppä ei sentään ole aivan joulunpunainen! Kesällä kyllä päätettiin jo väri mummin virkkaamaan lastenhuoneen mattoon (Kangasaitan ohjeella). Kyllähän me vanhemmat tuota punaista Brion taaperokärryäkin toivottiin, kun musta ei nyt huvittanut eikä hellokittyjä meille tarvita -ainakaan vielä, parin vuoden kuluttua niitä voi pakosta tulla kuitenkin ja sitten on kaikki vaaleanpunaista... Ehkei nyt aivan, mutta kuka tietää(?). Sitä odotellessa on siis hyvä keräillä muita värejä pikkuneidin huoneeseen!
Somehow the little miss got a lot of red gifts for birthday! Luckily we've got some other colors around too (true!) so that our place isn't fully christmas red! At summer we did decide the red color for the kidsroom crochet carpet made by my mom. Also we wished for the red brio trolley as we didn't feel like the black one and didn't feel we need the pink hello kitty either -at least not yet, surely that time will come when it's a must and everything needs to be pink... Maybe not exactly but who knows(?). While waiting for that time it's better to collect few more other colors to the little girls room!
Photos Pinjacolada
Somehow the little miss got a lot of red gifts for birthday! Luckily we've got some other colors around too (true!) so that our place isn't fully christmas red! At summer we did decide the red color for the kidsroom crochet carpet made by my mom. Also we wished for the red brio trolley as we didn't feel like the black one and didn't feel we need the pink hello kitty either -at least not yet, surely that time will come when it's a must and everything needs to be pink... Maybe not exactly but who knows(?). While waiting for that time it's better to collect few more other colors to the little girls room!
Photos Pinjacolada
Moi! Mistähän on ostettu tuo ensimmäisen kuvan ihana matto? :)
ReplyDeleteHei ninar - Matto on Tukholman Design Torgetilta (tai siis heidän nettikaupasta)
ReplyDeleteIhana matto!
ReplyDeleteMeiltä löytyy kans tuo punainen taaaperokärry,se on kiva.:)
I love red. And especially that red carpet.
ReplyDeleteThat red rug! Did your Mum make it? It's stunning. Kellie xx
ReplyDeleteDear olive, yes my mom made the crochet rug :)
ReplyDeleteOnpa kiva väri tuossa kärryssä! En tiennytkään siitä tätä ennen. Meidän Brion kärry on valko-vihreä.
Herkullisen värisiä kuvia :)
ReplyDeleteIhanat värit ja kiva blogi. Tulin lukijaksesi.
The picture of your shelves keeps stuck in my head since I first saw it. I'm wondering what's the brand of the (cereal) bowls and both the smaller and larger plates (iittala, maybe?)? I'm looking for new dinnerware and they seem to be quite what I'm seeking :)
ReplyDeleteVi: The plates on the right are Teema -plates and bowls by Iittala -really nice and simple, and classic! The pile of bowls second from the right is Arabia's Oma series, that unfortunately is not available anymore.