Glass -amazing material

"Elaine Sheldon and Dominic Cooney built their studio in a converted chapel in Staffordshire. They work collaboratively, as well as independently, on commissions, commercial and artistic projects. Film-maker Federico Urdaneta captures the events during a day in the studio. He explores the nature of their collaboration, their working practice and records the rhythm of them at work."

Ihailen suuresti lasinpuhaltajien ammattitaitoa ja on aina yhtä ihmeellistä nähdä lasimestarin työstävän lasia, lasi materiaalina on niin kaunis ja inspiroiva. Olen aina haaveillut jonain päivänä oppivani työstää lasia, ainakin jotenkin... Tämä video ainakin innostaa siihen!

I'm always blown away when seeing a professional working with glass as material, it's such beautiful and inspirational material ! I always wanted that one day I could learn to work with glass as well, even a little... This video is definitely inspiring to that!

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